A2 Practice Questions

Money & Banking

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True / False 

Determine whether the statement is true of false based on your understanding of the topic. Provide a brief explanation or justification for your answer. This will help to demonstrate your understanding of the topic. 


Open Market Operations

Carefully read each question and choose the most appropriate answer.


Demand & Supply of Money

Read each scenario and question carefully and provide a concise and well-thought-out answer based on your understanding of liquidity preference theory.

Scenario 1: Economic Boom

Question: During an economic boom, does the demand for money typically increase, decrease, or remain unchanged? 

Scenario 2: High Inflation

Question: In an economy experiencing high inflation, does the demand for money change? and how might the central bank respond to address the situation?

Scenario 3: Government Stimulus Package

Question: If the government implements a large stimulus package to boost economic activity, how might this impact the demand for money? Additionally, what implications could this have on the money supply?

Scenario 4: Increase in Interest Rates

Question: If the central bank raises interest rates to control inflation, how does this decision influence the demand for money? What effect does this have on the money supply in the economy?

Scenario 5: Surge in Government Borrowing

Question: In a scenario where the government dramatically increases its borrowing to fund public projects, how does this affect the overall demand for money? 

Scenario 6: Decrease in Consumer Confidence

Question: If consumer confidence significantly declines due to economic uncertainties, how does this affect the overall demand for money? 


Scenario 1. During an economic boom, the demand for money typically increases as economic activity rises, leading to higher transactions. This increase in money demand can potentially lead to an expansion of the money supply (movement along the supply curve) as banks respond to higher demand for credit and loans.

Scenario 2.  In an economy experiencing high inflation, the demand for money may decreases due to individuals and businesses wanting to hold less cash to avoid losses in value. The central bank may respond by implementing contractionary monetary policy, reducing the money supply to control inflation.

Scenario 3. If the government implements a large stimulus package, it can increase the demand for money as more funds are injected into the economy. This could lead to an expansion of the money supply (movement along the supply curve).

Scenario 4.  Higher interest rates may encourage individuals and businesses to hold more bonds, leading to a decrease in money demand and potentially reducing the money supply.

Scenario 5. A surge in government borrowing can increase the demand for money in the economy, potentially leading to higher interest rates. 

Scenario 6. A decrease in consumer confidence may lead to an increase in money demand as people hold more cash for precautionary purposes.

Liquidity Trap

Identify the missing words in each blank by analyzing the context of the paragraph 

In a liquidity trap, interest rates are so 1. ____ (low/high) that the demand for money becomes 2. ____ (perfectly elastic/perfectly inelastic) even with increases in the money supply. At this point, conventional monetary policy tools, such as open market operations or changes in the central bank's policy rate, become 3. ______ (ineffective/effective) in stimulating borrowing and investment. The economy gets stuck in a situation where increasing the money supply does not lead to significant changes in 4. ______ (interest rates/investment), and overall economic activity remains subdued. Policymakers often face challenges in managing the economy during a liquidity trap, leading to a greater reliance on alternative measures like 5. _____ (fiscal policy/foreign trade) to boost aggregate demand and stimulate growth.


Loanable Fund Theory

The Classical theory (loanable fund theory) of the rate of interest can be summarised in the following demand and supply schedules: 

(a) If the market rate of interest is 10%, outline the sequence of events predicted by the Classical theory.

(b) Suggest two major weaknesses of the theory. 


ii. The loanable funds theory typically assumes full employment, meaning all resources are fully utilized. In reality, economies often experience periods of unemployment or underemployment, which can affect the functioning of markets for loanable funds.