AS Economics


1.0 Basic Economic Ideas and Resource Allocation 

1.1 Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost - Notes / Mind Map 

1.2 Economic methodology - Notes / Mind Map 

1.3 Factors of production - Notes / Mind Map 

2.0 The Price System and The Microeconomy 

2.2 Price elasticity, income elasticity and cross elasticity of demand 

2.4 Consumer Surplus

3.0 Government Microeconomic Intervention 

3.2 Methods and effects of government intervention in markets 

3.3 Addressing income and wealth inequality - Mind Map 

4.0 The Macroeconomy 

4.5 Unemployment - Detailed Notes / Mind Map 

5.0 Government Macroeconomic Intervention 

5.3 Monetary policy - Detailed Notes / Mind Map 

5.4 Supply-side policy - Detailed Notes / Mind Map 

6.0 International Economic Issues 

6.3 Current account of the balance of payments - Mind Map

6.4 Exchange Rates - Detailed notes