AS Practice Questions


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Before clicking on the answers, try to answer the questions on your own. This will help you assess your knowledge and identify areas you need to focus on.

After attempting the questions, review your answers and compare them to the correct ones later.

If you're unsure about any answer, go ahead and click on the provided answers to check your understanding.

If you made any mistakes, don't worry! Take note of the areas where you need improvement and revisit the related content.

Practice makes perfect! Repeat the process with different questions to reinforce your understanding.

Remember, the key to effective revision is active learning. Try to answer the questions first before checking the answers to maximize your learning experience. Happy revising!

State/calculate the

a)  post-subsidy price paid by consumers

b) post-subsidy price received by domestic producers

c) pre-subsidy quantity of imports

d) post-subsidy quantity of imports

e)  post-subsidy television sales

Answer :