IGCSE topical past paper questions

2.6 Price Changes


A third of the world’s ski resorts are located in the Alps. Prices for holidays in the Alps are relatively higher than in other regions. The recent pandemic, however, reduced the revenues of many large and small firms in the tourism industry in the winter season of 2020/2021. Many blamed strict government regulations for this. However, government intervention also helped many firms to survive. 


In 2020, Australia had a high national minimum wage (NMW). The NMW is received by some people who work on Australian dairy farms. Australia produces milk and soft drinks. Milk is purchased by some people as an alternative to soft drinks. Some dairy farms and some small firms went out of business in 2020. The year saw an increase in the value of the country’s floating foreign exchange rate.


Advances in technology have changed how trees (wood) are cut down, transported and used in the manufacture of furniture, such as tables. Wood is in inelastic supply. Wood can be supplied in all economic systems. However, public goods are not supplied in a market economic system. 


Some firms have social welfare as their main objective. Globally, the number of this type of firm is increasing. Consumers are also starting to change their spending patterns by moving towards environmentally friendly products such as solar energy. Environmentally unfriendly firms are less able to make profits and some of these firms must merge to survive. 


Singapore is a high-income country with a shortage of land and labour. Singapore is often given as an example of a market economy. The Singaporean government does, however, intervene in the economy. For example, it encourages its population to eat two servings of fruit and two servings of vegetables per day. 


Indian Railways is a state-owned enterprise, owned and operated by the Ministry of Railways. There is currently only one privately-owned railway line in India. The market for rail travel is influenced by changes in the markets for other forms of transport. For instance, changes in the supply of oil and petrol influence the market for car travel. 


In 2016, there was a global surplus in the steel market pushing down steel prices. This situation led to various calls for protectionist measures by other steel producers such as those in the EU and the USA. However, such measures were not supported by car producers as approximately 22% of a car manufacturer’s costs depend on steel prices. 


More than 80% of Qatar’s population are immigrants. Net immigration has helped to meet the country’s demand for labour. As well as a shortage of workers, the country has a shortage of drinking water. The government has run public campaigns to stop people using their free supply of drinking water to fill their swimming pools and water their gardens. In 2016, the government increased its spending to increase the country’s economic growth rate.