IGCSE topical past paper questions

2.8 Price elasticity of supply (PES)


In the US, the supply of meat from emus, a large bird, is price-elastic. Recently, US farmers have switched to keeping other livestock and growing crops that changed their demand for labour. US farmers are influenced by the subsidies the government provides for the production of selected food items. Some people are reluctant to become farm workers as they think living standards are low in rural areas. 


One reason why the price of houses in cities such as Hong Kong, London, and New York is very high, is the low price elasticity of supply of houses. Trade unions in some of these cities are calling for more affordable housing for workers. Governments are also trying to implement various microeconomic policy measures to reduce the price of houses. In addition, the stability of the housing market can impact upon the effectiveness of monetary policy. 


Advances in technology have changed how trees (wood) are cut down, transported and used in the manufacture of furniture, such as tables. Wood is in inelastic supply. Wood can be supplied in all economic systems. However, public goods are not supplied in a market economic system. 


The main industries in the Seychelles, an island country in the Indian ocean, are tourism and fishing. The price elasticity of supply of fish is affected by the relatively short time that fish can be stored. Economic goods and free goods play a role in both fishing and tourism. With rises in the skills of workers and an increase in enterprise, GDP per head has increased by more than seven times over the last fifty years. 


In England football stadiums are usually built and financed by the private sector, but in some countries the stadiums are built and financed by the government. Many football stadiums in the English Premier League are full on match days. In the short run the supply of seats is perfectly inelastic. The football clubs could actually raise prices, still sell their tickets and so raise their profits. Premier League footballers currently receive very high wages.